Welcome to Garlic Delight!

Parenting is hard enough. Cooking when you’re overwhelmed with screaming toddlers feels impossible. I’m Anna, and I help overwhelmed parents feed their little ones.

You know the cliché, it takes a village? Let us be your village and help you reach your dinner goals. 

Take a deep breath. Release. Here’s our game plan: 

  • Before you even step into the kitchen, choose good enough
  • Pick an approach:
    • Option A: No-cook meal, or 
    • Option B: A buffet-style meal
  • Cook. Sit down and breathe. Eat. Do it again.
Anna chopping a pear in the kitchen while wearing the Little King

Where else you can find my writing

I love spreading my message of how easy cooking can be once you know the essential skills to succeed as a home cook. Even The New York Times wrote about my dive into food blogging.

You can find my writing and approach to cooking in the following publications:

Plus many other food and non-food outlets.

Tell me about your challenges

Are you struggling to figure out what to eat for dinner tonight? Tired of the daily grind of cooking? Burnt out by meal planning? Send me an email at anna@garlicdelight.com to let me know what challenges you’re dealing with. I read every email.

Thanks a melon illustration with a watermelon slide
Thanks for reading!